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Many of you may know that my journey to Sama Dog started after I spent nearly 20 years of my life studying Ayurveda. This passion led me to work directly with Dr. Deepak Chopra starting in 2006, eventually becoming the full time Vice President of the Chopra Center in San Diego.

During my time working at Chopra I met more exceptional souls than I ever imagined knowing in my lifetime. One of which was Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, B.A.M.S., M.D.

Dr. Suhas is one of the most academically accomplished Ayurvedic Physicians in the United States. Originally from India, he owns his own Ayurvedic and Integrative Wellness Clinic in Northern California, is a published author, and has become a close friend and colleague of mine over the past few years. He has even worked with me on a few projects for Sama Dog!

While crafting Sama Dog’s signature online course, Total Wellbeing for Dogs, I decided that our students needed to benefit from some of the amazing, talented, and inspirational people I have met throughout my own wellness journey. We have an integrative vet, animal communicator, dog trainer, Reiki master, and NOW we will have Dr. Suhas, a world renowned Ayurvedic physician and educator from India, teaching in the course.

Since Sama Dog is rooted in the ideology of restoring your dog to their natural state of balance through Ayurveda, I couldn’t be more grateful to collaborate with and learn from someone so immersed and experienced in practical Ayurvedic medicine. We know you benefit so much from spending time with Dr. Suhas and can’t wait to share more in our upcoming course.

Visit to learn more! 


Unifying Your Pack with Zoe Sandor


Welcome to Benny’s Dog Blog