Sound Therapy :: Using Mantras to Help Dogs


We live in a sensory-oriented world, receiving information through our eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and skin. Our five senses act as portals to the world, as well as powerful gateways to improved health and wellbeing. Research shows that what is healing for humans is often healing for dogs, and each of the six senses provides an essential piece of the wellbeing puzzle.

Let’s explore the sense of hearing, but at a very subtle level: Vibration.  

At a cellular level, everything in creation is essentially vibration that affects our cells in different ways. Felt to some degree through the ears, vibration is also “sensed.” This is especially true for animals who are tuned-in to their subtle senses.

Most people recognize how certain sounds and vibrations influence the state of our minds and bodies, but may not realize the same applies to our dogs. Think of how nearby construction noise makes you feel. Or how you sense the off-putting energy of the person next to you in an elevator. Pups are far more sensitive to these things than we are. They have an acute sense of hearing and feeling the vibrations around them, and this can often impact their behavior.

Ayurveda is one of many ancient wisdom traditions that incorporate the use of sound into its healing practices. One example is the use of mantras, or a healing vibration/sound. Numerous scientific studies on mantras conclude that a repetitive speech pattern produces an overall reduction in brain activity. The repetitive nature can transport the mind from its normal busy state to a quiet, nurturing space of rest. Mantras guide the body/mind to this space, making them quite literally healing tools.

Dogs naturally absorb the energy emitted from a mantra’s specific vibrational quality. For many years, Ayurvedic mantras have been chanted and revered for their tonal aspects that can produce a particular effect, even without us knowing their meaning. Someone needs only to be in the presence of a mantra’s sound to gain its benefits. What an easy and special way to promote yours and your pup’s wellbeing and connection, right?!

Let’s give it a try. To start, find a quiet place to take a few mindful moments with your dog. You could focus on simply breathing together, or give a little doggy massage; anything that helps you to connect.

After a few minutes, close your eyes and begin holding in your mind and heart the intention of the mantra (see a few examples below). Then, softly speak the sound of the mantra out loud seven times. While you’re doing this, imagine what you’d intended – maybe it’s your furry friend living in comfort, health, and satisfaction. Make these aims the positive medicine you are administering, and the frequency of your meditation the dosage.

After the seventh repetition, hold silence for another minute or so. Finish with a deep, audible breath in and out. Then slowly open your eyes.

Here are three powerful mantras to support animals:

Ananda Hum translates to ‘I am bliss.’ It awakens the energy of gratitude (a state our dogs typically live in) and reminds us that a shift in perspective changes everything.

So Hum means ‘I am that.’ ‘That’ equals the universe, and so ‘I am that’ is a reminder that we are all one, all connected, supported, and unconditionally loved.

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit mantra that translates to ‘May all beings everywhere be happy and free.’ It holds the intention of peace and compassion.

Depending on what would be most supportive, you can choose this or any other mantra and start repeating it. Even whispering it can be effective. In time and with practice, a body influenced by mantra can begin to move in the direction of homeostasis or balance (Sama). Stress and chaos create imbalance and are often the beginnings of sickness and disease. The American Cancer Society endorses mindful practices because they counterbalance our modern lifestyle. They soothe the mind, create more inner peace, and support healing.

There is no ‘wrong’ way to practice. Give vibrational healing a try, and please share your experiences. To discover more mantras and other healing techniques to benefit your dog’s particular circumstances, consider a private consultation with me.

— Amanda Ree


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