Spiritual Dogster :: Bailey the Itchy Yorkiepoo


Written by Christina B. (St. Paul, MN)

I heard Amanda speak about her amazing story of healing her dog through Ayurveda. A lightbulb went off when she talked about her dog licking off her hair and chewing her feet. Our Yorkiepoo, Bailey, had recently scratched an infected wound in her neck and had chewed her tail to bits. Before I learned of Sama Dog, Bailey walked out of the vet with antibiotics and a cone of shame neither of which actually stopped the itching. What the vet couldn't do was help me address the underlying cause of her behavior. One conversation with Amanda led me to simple dietary changes and fun behavioral tools to use with Bailey. Amanda knows dogs and has done extensive research on the dietary, behavioral, and spiritual aspects of dogness. She is generous, clear, and downright delightful to talk with. Bailey's itching has stopped. Her tail is back to normal, and we are now equipped to help her have a long, healthy life the way she was designed to live. I am grateful to Amanda and Sama Dog for helping us resolve a chronic health issue easily, naturally, and with so much joy! Bailey had something she wanted to add, "Arf. Arf. Arfity. Arf!" (Translation = Thank you!)

So, now that we've had a few months of freedom from the neck and tail gnawing, we have a different itching going on.

QUESTION :: Now we're noticing a different and more general itchiness. Likely, SEASONAL ALLERGIES. Any natural treatment suggestions?

 From Christina B. and family (St. Paul, MN)


Sure Christina, I have a few simple suggestions to alleviate seasonal allergies. First it's important to mention that there are many things our pets can be allergic to, so it's a bit difficult to pinpoint. That said, if we can give the body-mind system some additional support, it WILL typically result in a significant improvement to their symptoms and suffering. 

1. Anti-inflammatory diet. Reduce the starch in your pet's meals. Increase green leafy veggies (remember, either cut veggies very small or puree.) Avoid grains/carbs/potato. Avoid chicken and beef because they tend to be more heating. 

2. Add turmeric. Easiest to use a turmeric supplement, but the powdered herb that you'd cook with works as well. Dosage is typically 1/4 tspn or 1/2 capsule per 30lbs. 

3. Add Omega-3s or Fish oils. Also coconut oil. Yes it's ok to give both. 

4. Frequent baths (weekly) and consistent foot rinse (daily)! These can help FAR more than you think. Avoid oatmeal shampoos though because that's still grain.

4. Coconut oil. But be sure to apply it mildly to start. Internally and externally, coconut oil provides the soothing and microbial fighting support this oil can provide.

5. Local honey. Find and feed some to desensitize the body to the local allergens. This is a powerful technique. Careful: Do not exceed more than 1 teaspoon per day - too much can have harmful effects. 

Hope those help. If you want a little more detail or have further questions, just email me. Hope the itching is relieved soon!


Benny’s Dog Blog :: Kapha Dosha


Spiritual Dogster :: Honey’s Story of Rest and Restore, Part 1